Modernist Benedictine “Monastery” to Host Rabbi Promoting Aberrosexuality April 28th


Anathema sit!  Haereticus!!!  

Edit:  St. John’s Abbey at Collegeville is probably one of the most vile and evil places in the world, made so much more so by the fact that they misrepresent themselves as good, as Catholic.

They habitually return to lap up their vomit. No public reprimand will change the way they think or the patterns long established here since before the Council, they will continue attacking the Church from behind a Catholic name. No matter how many outrages they’ve done, many of which are publicly known, as well as the endemic failure this institution suffers in terms of its decline in numbers and fervor, no one really stops them, they suffer no visitation, no interdict,  but they enjoy full recognition by the Catholic Church, despite all of their frequent outrages and insults to Christ. 

It’s not enough to say that they will die out. Average age of the monks is nearing 70. Shouldn’t something be done for their souls, and the souls of the many students who are placed in their spiritual care year after year by largely unsuspecting families?

She worked for 13 years with social justice organizations, and was honored by the San Francisco Examiner for helping to break the isolation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.

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