“I’d like to know what you think Pope Francis of Freemasonry!!!”


Be brave, now…for the Church has already been invaded by Freemasonry!’ and then stated: ‘Freemasonry has already made it into the loafers (shoes) of the Pope!’ At the time, the reigning “Pope” was Paul VI – St.Padre Pio

The fourth reason the lamp was put out was to demonstrate how the Masonic and other secret sects would have so much influence on society and even the Church. “During these unfortunate times,” she foretold, “evil will invade childhood innocence. In this way, vocations to the priesthood will be lost, resulting in a true calamity.” – Our Lady Of Good Success

Freemasonry the mother of them all


It was Not enough the numerous statements of praise and support directed by the Grand Master and the Grand Master Raffi Bisi against Bergoglio .

Now the Freemasons of the Grand Orient of Italy dose increase the price, and they do it in rare and unique opportunity. We refer to the conference organized by the Grand Orient of Italy held on June 12, 2014 in Rome.  theme of this conference was the Second Vatican Council.

I reproduce below the article with which the GOI has announced the conference through its official website:

“The Service of the Library of the Grand Orient of Italy organizes – June 12 at 18:00 at the Palace of Exhibitions, Library Arion, Forum Hall (corner of Via Milano 15-17 Via Nazionale, Rome) – a lively debate on” The Church of the dialogue from Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis. “This occasion is the release of the book The Second Secret (Piemme) of the Vatican journalist Ignazio Ingrao. Speakers with author, historian Alberto Melloni, theologian Marinella Perroni and the Grand Master Stephen Bisi . Moderates the meeting the journalist Marco Politi.

Understanding an event so innovative and paradigmatic as was the Second Vatican Council, and doing so through a reading unofficial but rooted in evidence and unpublished documents often means having the opportunity to go to the root of what is happening today in the Catholic Church. Studying the council yesterday, it helps us to anticipate the Church of tomorrow. Pope Francis has picked up the baton from its predecessors by taking the strong commitment and decided to implement the Council. The Church in dialogue projected outwards, as he wants the pontiff Argentine, the model proposes that the Council Fathers wished to achieve. 

A valuable point of contact and dialogue with the laity and non-believers can be one of human rights. The commitment to justice based on the recognition of the essential principles of natural law, characterizes the action of the Church at all latitudes and often also involves a high price to pay, even in terms of attacks and persecution. The defense of human rights and the recognition of the principles of natural law that guide the common good can therefore be a useful platform for discussion and debate for all those who have at heart the promotion of the human person. ”  [SOURCE]

Here to see the invitation to the conference:  http://www.grandeoriente.it/media/343054/Invito-RM-12-06-14.pdf

So Vaticanists and Masons, united by the dialogue, they arranged to Rome for the June 12. This has not happened for at least two decades, in fact, the last documented that the GOI has organized conferences, hosting Vaticanists and “Catholics” [Father Rosario Esposito John Caprile or two examples] back in the early 90s, after such conferences numerous proliferated in the late ’70s and the ’80s. Let us now, in the absence of a video conference on June 12, declaring what about the official web site of the Grand Orient of Italy, to carry the article comments that the GOI has issued the day after the conference:

 “I’d like to know what you think Pope Francis of Freemasonry” . And ‘the desire expressed by the Grand Master Stephen Bisi, publicly, at the conclusion of the presentation of the book “The Second Secret” by Ignazio Ingrao (Piemme publisher) organized by the Library Service of the Grand Orient of Italy on 12 June in Rome at the library Arion Via Milano. 

” I am deeply convinced  Bisi-said-  that on the ground of human rights and freedom can be fruitful contacts between the Catholic Church and who is otherwise a believer. I think it’s time to unite rather than divide and I am sure  – he added-  that we can find a valuable point of encounter and dialogue.

Read more – http://radiospada.org/2014/06/il-gran-maestro-bisi-mi-piacerebbe-sapere-cosa-pensa-papa-francesco-dei-massoni/


The Freemason Motto is: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, French for “Freedom, equality, brotherhood.”


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