Get Married Young Man, Part 3: 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself

The Catholic Gentleman

connors934-coupleMarriage is wonderful, but it brings with it a lot of responsibilities and duties. Scripture and the teaching of the Church are quite clear— the husband is the head of the home, and he bears the primary responsibility before God for its happiness and holiness. In imitation of Jesus, the husband is the prophet, priest, and king of the domestic church.

Because marriage is serious business, entering it with the mentality of an adolescent, with no forethought whatsoever, is a recipe for disaster. It is alright to be immature when you get married, but it is not alright to stay that way. You should be pursuing maturity and holiness with passion long before you begin to think about marriage.

So as a Catholic man considering marriage, how should your prepare yourself? What steps can you take to get ready for this joyful responsibility?

Here are the top 5 ways you can prepare yourself for a holy and happy…

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