Party of Pope’s Peace Prayer Partner Mahmoud Abbas brags they’ve killed 11,000 Jews!!


Peace prayer at Vatican – Mahmoud Abbas  Pope Francis Shimon Peres

A person is known by the company he keeps!

Abbas’s Fatah Claims Murdering 11,000 Israelis

‘Moderate’ PA chairman’s faction falsely inflates and boasts terrorist attacks, claims to have attacked Dimona nuclear reactor.

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, which has been presented by many as “moderate,” sought to leave no doubts on Sunday about its terrorist nature as it declared having murdered “11,000 Israelis.”

Palestinian Media Watch translated the statement from Fatah’s official Facebook page, in which the fictitious claim of having killed 11,000 Israeli citizens was made. Fatah also claimed having “sacrificed 170,000 martyrs,” similarly inflating the number of killed Fatah terrorists.

Fatah likewise asserted that it was the “first Palestinian faction to reach the nuclear reactor in Dimona.” The curious claim refers to a terror attack in 1988, in which three working mothers were killed by three Fatah terrorists on a bus on their way to the Dimona plant.

Abbas’s faction claimed being the first terror group to attack Israel in the first (1988-1993) and second intifadas (2000-2005), in the second instance bragging of a 2000 attack in Gaza.

In that attack, Baha Al-Sa’id of the PA security forces infiltrated Kfar Darom and murdered two IDF soldiers. He was shot by one of them in the exchange and died of his wounds.

At the end of its list of terror “achievements,” Abbas’s party wrote that it “led the Palestinian attack on Israel in the UN,” referencing the diplomatic war it continues to wage against the Jewish state.

The very last “achievement” listed, after all the terror attacks and cases of murder, reads: “Fatah leads the peaceful popular resistance against Israel.”

While Abbas has often been touted as a “peace partner,” his Fatah party’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades military wing claimed a shooting attack on “a group of Zionists” near Bethlehem just this Sunday. It also claimed responsibility for a failed shooting attack last Sunday in Neve Tzuf, Samaria.

Abbas’s Fatah faction has called for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel, and declared “open war” on Israel late last month.

The statements are in line with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) charter of 1968, which calls for “armed struggle” or “armed revolution,” declaring “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine,” and calling on local Arabs to “be prepared for the armed struggle.”

Following the charter, the PLO and Fatah were defined internationally as terror organizations, a status which was removed during the 1993 Oslo Accords process.

Suspected American Islamic State member arrested at JFK airport!!

Tweeting under the alias alias Abu Omar al Amreeki, Morgan is understood to have pledged his allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Tweeting under the alias alias Abu Omar al Amreeki, Morgan is understood to have pledged his allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

  • Donald Ray Morgan, 44, arrested by FBI officers on August 2
  • He was returning from an eight-month stay in Lebanon where his wife lives
  • Fears he had been brokering deals for military-grade weapons and ammo
  • Allegedly posted a series of tweets under the alias Abu Omar al Amreeki
  • He has allegedly pledged his allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
  • Others posts appear to suggest he had been preparing for jihad

Suspected American Islamic State member arrested at JFK airport amid fears he may be running guns for terror group or preparing for jihad

A suspected American member of Islamic State has been arrested at JFK airport amid fears he may be trafficking guns to the terrorist group and preparing for jihad. FBI agents swooped on Donald Ray Morgan, 44, after he arrived in New York on August 2 following an eight-month stay in Lebanon where his wife lives, the New York Daily News reports. A Brooklyn judge ordered the 44-year-old be held without bail following allegations he had been brokering deals for military-grade weapons and ammunition in his home state.

Swoop: FBI agents arrested Donald Ray Morgan, 44, as he arrived at JFK airport in New York following an eight-month stay in Lebanon where his wife lives

Swoop: FBI agents arrested Donald Ray Morgan, 44, as he arrived at JFK airport in New York following an eight-month stay in Lebanon where his wife lives
Morgan, from North Carolina, was indicted for being a felon in possession of a firearm. He has a previous conviction for firing a gun. Counter-terrorism agents were alerted to a series of worrying twitter posts made by Morgan while in the Middle East under the alias Abu Omar al Amreeki. In one post he pledged his allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  Others appear to suggest he had been preparing for jihad in Syria, Iraq or possibly the U.S. At a bail hearing last week Assistant Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Nadia Moore suggested Morgan was too dangerous to return to North Carolina on his own. She told Brooklyn Federal Court: ‘It’s possible that he traffics in guns to people in this organization (ISIS)’, the New York Daily News reports. Federal defender Peter Kirchheimer argued that there was no evidence to prove that Morgan was either a member of ISIS or had provided the group with material support. But judge Ramon Reyes said the tweets had implied to him that Morgan is ‘trying to go to Syria or Iraq as the next step and trying to be actively engaged’. ISIS, which is now known as Islamic State, currently controls a large area of Iraq. It has gained a reputation for appalling brutality after videos appeared on the internet of fighters performing mass executions and crucifixions.

The Obama administration has begun directly providing weapons to Kurdish forces who have started to make gains against Islamic militants in northern Iraq, senior U.S. officials said today.


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 Just appeared on the statements of the Minister Mogherini Italian intervention in the Middle East [1], which aims not to save Christians from the butchers ISIS but to ” consolidate Kurdistan “, I wondered what we earned (not the ‘ but Italy) America from the consolidation of Kurdistan. The binding of the USA with the Kurds is longstanding, dating back to the first Gulf War and remains despite the apparent hostility of Turkey – but plastered with NATO bases – in such sympathy.

So why defend Kurdistan? Obama is the fourth United States president to bomb Iraq to protect the Kurds and so far the explanation of the latter intervention – not unusual if you think that the carnage is not happening in that area, but in Mosul and the Syrian border – was the defense of unspecified American secret bases in Kurdish territory, where, paradoxically, would be armed and trained, including the Syrian rebels, as well guerrillas who have swelled the ranks of ISIS. It could also be, like the rest of the existence of training camps is documented Use for what concerns the Jordan [2] and Turkey [3] but a recent piece in the New Yorker [4], signed by Steve Coll, indicates a far more tangible reason: oil.

Coll explains: ” Erbil is the capital of the oil-endowed Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq. There the United States political alliances built and equipped Kurdish peshmerga militias long before the Bush Administration’s invasion of Iraq, in 2003 Since 2003 it Has Been the most stable place in an unstable country. But last week, well-armed guerrillas loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, threatened Erbil’s outskirts, forcing Obama’s momentous choice . “Kurdistan is therefore a prime ally of the United States in the area, and its economy has boomed in recent years, attracting investors and capital, although the Kurdistan itself is not actually a state, being rather a range of local , a kind of autonomous province. Autonomous and very rich: GW Bush had put there just as a driving force for the whole country, underestimating the ethnic and cultural differences between the Kurds and Shiites who have actually formed a strong barrier to the welfare spreading from the entire Erbil Iraq. Baghdad has in fact always considered the region a kind of foreign body. Foreign body, however, is that, in the precise description of the New Yorker , ” An undeclared Kurdish oil Whose been sources of geopolitical appeal-as a long-term, non-Russian supplier of oil and gas to Europe, for example-are best not spoken of naïve or in polite company . “

And Erbil in Kurdistan, says Coll citing Obama’s advisers, there are ” thousands of Americans“and are there because Exxon and Chevron operate on the site, with all induced support. Obama, therefore, can not and does not want to leave the area, which is crucial in view of a consolidation of Iraq by a government of national responsibility, the functional logic of the US-Israeli encirclement of Iran and that, however, despite the warnings of the UN and also Ayatollah Al Sistani, seems increasingly unattainable; it remains the only way to deal with the ISIS, which is becoming more a creature of uncontrollable.

Creature “, however, the ISIS is for sure, because thousands of guerrillas armed and well trained they do not jump out of nowhere: the only religious exaltation combined with the knowledge of the area do not make a militiaman. A militiaman must be trained, must have weapons and must know how to use them and in this ISIS is absolutely not a gang of rowdy which is based only on the number and ferocity, but a competent army and equipped with American equipment, although divided in factions as always happens in the Arab world. The Iraqi army officers agree that the jihadists are perfectly trained to combat citizen, ” appear as ghosts, strike and disappear. In a few seconds “[5]: a similar level of preparation can not be improvised.

Who has therefore created, funded and armed the ISIS? According to some sources [6] is an operation planned by Israel and the USA of the same for the creation of a radical Sunni state that reduces the influence of Iran and isolates him from Russia, a sort of re-release of Saudi Arabia.Another reconstruction sees the heads of ISIS as leaked from the training camps for Syrian rebels held by the United States and Israel, but this version does not respond to the question about who cater militiamen.

 Certainly it is the involvement, voluntary and conscious or not, the United States and Israel, of course is the fact that ISIS is free to act as long as you keep a safe distance from American and Israeli interests: with the bombing of these days the USA seem to say to the Islamic butchers “This stuff here is untouchable . ” The bombing is therefore a measure of containment, taken when the ISIS took Jalawia, just on the borders of Kurdistan and that is heavily influenced by the strong criticism from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama for the uncontrolled spread of the militia. [7] The criticism of Clinton recognize very clearly that the ISIS was born if not for wanting to at least gross negligence of the United States and Obama, attributing to these indiscriminate rallying opponents of Assad with the result of training and foraging also jihadists . 

But the birth of ISIS not only helped the United States. As Josh Rogin warns the Daily Beast [8], Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar – all allies of the United States – have taken steps and shall ” for years “to the financing of ISIS, which has in its ranks also several officers and soldiers of the former Iraqi army, disbanded in 2003 by George Bush Jr. with a decision whose disastrous outcomes are still evident. ” Everyone knows that money is passing through Kuwait and the Persian Gulf , “said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.” The banking system in Kuwait and its intermediaries have long been a big problem because I’m a huge channel for the money you extremist groups in Syria and now in Iraq “: this circumstance, reported for months by President Al Maliki [9] is totally ignored by the United States which are also in close relations with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. In the complaint, Al Maliki, ISIS is not a loose cannon of the Syrian rebels, but it is a part in all respects and has been operational for some time, having generated the war in Syria and, before that, the riots in Iraq, with the aims to destabilize the area and prevent the approach of Iraq to Iran.

Rogin reports that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait finance not only the ISIS, but also the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda – Al Nusrah, recently allied with the jihadists [10] – and other rebel groups: the link between these countries and their ” protected “is the be all Sunni Muslims. It is a solid factor of cohesion, which led especially Kuwait to be a strong supporter of the militia, although responsible for the worst atrocities, as documented in a timely and interesting report of the Brookings Project on US Relations with the Islamic World eloquent entitled ” Playing with Fire: Why Private Financing for Gulf Syria’s Extremist Rebels Risks Igniting Sectarian Conflict at Home“[11].

The document states that the United States are well aware of this traffic to money, but before the perplexity of the Treasury governments and Western diplomats have preferred to shrug and ignore it, while diplomats of countries accused have clearly stated that their role in supporting the rebels and ISIS is due to the failure of Obama’s attempt to overthrow the Assad regime on the pretext of chemical weapons. Moreover, without prejudice to the membership Sunni, the only criterion that these “sponsors of terror” have to discern which groups finance is the effectiveness, or, in other words, the offensive potential, so the ferocity: it puts the corner moderate forces among the Syrian rebels, who often suffer real attacks by ISIS and other jihadi factions and can rely less and less on the support of the countries of the Gulf.

The ISIS also is based on the proceeds of his ferocious raids: just from looting the main bank of Mosul drew well $ 430 million, [12] while also derive large revenues from the exploitation of oil and natural gas that is managed to win in the north of Syria, and occupation as that of Baiji refinery, one of the country’s major [13].

These people therefore is responsible for the bloodshed of recent days, hitting with unprecedented brutal violence. American weapons, training American and Israeli, Arab money: small wonder, then, that for Christians, in their plans, there is only the massacre, in servile indifference of Western governments.

Massimo Micaletti 



Novena for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Day 6

immaculate heart of mary pray for us


Sixth Rose  Mary’s Psalter –  The Secret of the Rosary

EVER SINCE Saint Dominic established the devotion to the Holy Rosary up until the time when Blessed Alan de la Roche re-established it in 1460, it has always been called the Psalter of Jesus and Mary. This is because it has the same number of Angelic Salutations as there are Psalms in the Book of the Psalms of David. [Emphasis added.] Since simple and uneducated people are not able to say the Psalms of David the Rosary is held to be just as fruitful for them as David’s Psalter is for others.

    But the Rosary can be considered to be even more valuable than the latter for three reasons:

1. Firstly, because the Angelic Psalter bears a nobler fruit, that of the Word Incarnate, whereas David’s Psalter only prophesies His coming;

2. Secondly, just as the real thing is more important than its prefiguration and as the body is more than its shadow, in the same way the Psalter of Our Lady is greater than David’s Psalter which did no more than prefigure it;

3. And thirdly, because Our Lady’s Psalter (or the Rosary made up of the Our Father and Hail Mary) is the direct work of the Most Blessed Trinity and was not made through a human instrument.

    Our Lady’s Psalter or Rosary is divided up into three parts of five decades each, for the following special reasons:

1. To honor the three Persons of the Most Blessed Trinity;

2. To honor the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ;

3. To imitate the Church Triumphant, to help the members of the Church Militant and to lessen the pains of the Church Suffering;

4. To imitate the three groups into which the Psalms are divided:

(a) The first being for the purgative life,

(b) The second for the illuminative life,

(c) and the third for the unitive life;

5. And finally, to give us graces in abundance during our lifetime, peace at death, and glory in eternity.


assumption 8



Novena in preparation for the Assumption – Sixth day

   Majestic Queen of Heaven and Mistress of the Angels, thou hast received from God the power and command to crush the head of satan. Therefore, we humbly beg of thee, send forth the legions of Heaven, that under thy command they may seek out all evil spirits, engage them everywhere in battle, curb their pride, and hurl them back into the pit of hell. Quis ut Deus? “Who is like unto God?” With firm confidence we present ourselves before thee, our most loving Mother, afflicted and troubled as we are, and we beg thee to let us understand the love you have for us by granting this petition, if it is according to the Will of God and profitable for our salvation:

(mention your request)  Also include – The massacre of Christians in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria and all persecuted Christians.  Pray that the black mass, scheduled  for Sept. 21, in the Oklahoma City Civic Center, may be canceled.

Good and tender Mother, thou shalt ever be our hope and the object of our love. Mother of God, send forth the Holy Angels to defend us and drive far from us the cruel foe. Holy Angels and Archangels, defend and keep us.

    Mary, Queen Assumed into Heaven, I rejoice that after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, thou hast at last been taken to the throne prepared for thee in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift my heart with thee in the glory of thy Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Teach me how small earth becomes when viewed from Heaven. Make me realize that death is the triumphant gate through which I shall pass to thy Divine Son, and that someday my body shall rejoin my soul in the unending bliss of Heaven. From this earth, over which I tread as a pilgrim, I look to thee for help. I ask for this favor: 

(Mention your request again)

When my hour of death has come, lead me safely to the presence of Jesus to enjoy the vision of my God for all eternity together with thee.

 immaculate heart

Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

Lord, have mercy.   Christ,have mercy.

Christ, hear us.    Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,    Have mercy on us.

God the Son, redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Make our family life holy, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sanctify our clergy, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Make our Catholics more fervent, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Guide and inspire those who govern us, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Cure the sick who confide in thee, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Console the sorrowful who trust in thee, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Help those who invoke thy aid, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Deliver us from all dangers, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Help us to resist temptation, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Obtain for us all we ask of thee, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Help those who are dear to us, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Bring back to the right road our erring brothers, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Give us back our ancient fervor, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Obtain for us pardon of our many sins and offenses, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Bring all men to the feet of thy Divine Child, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Obtain peace for the world, Immaculate Heart of Mary

Let us pray.

O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in Thy Most Holy Mother, whom we invoke under the title of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and grant us by her most powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal which we need, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


st michael 7

Complete Prayer to Saint Michael

O glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, spirits of evil. Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. Fight this day the battle of our Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in heaven. That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay, and cast into eternal perdition, souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. That wicked dragon pours out. as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on Her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck the sheep may be scattered. Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious powers of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

V: Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.

R: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has conquered the root of David.

V: Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.

R: As we have hoped in Thee.

V: O Lord hear my prayer.

R: And let my cry come unto Thee.

V:  O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as suppliants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin, immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of our souls. Amen.


 Prayer to Saint Michael – Short version

 Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, O heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

St. Michael ora pro nobis.

Christians Feel Abandoned in Spite of Obama’s Action in Iraq


iraq horror.

Terrorist supporter-in Chief,  BHO could care less about Christians. Look how he treats Christians in America so it is not really a shocker, he is doing absolutely nothing for the Christians in Iraq. What is a surprise is how the rest of the world could care less… These Christians feel abandoned because they are abandoned. Truly is heartbreaking.

Using words like “dreadful,” “disaster,” and “deplorable,” Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad Louis Raphael I Sako described the chaotic situation of refugees forced to leave their ancestral villages in Iraq because of Islamic fundamentalist militants.

Patriarch Sako also said he was disappointed in President Barack Obama’s decision “only to give military assistance to protect Erbil.” While the Islamic terrorists are strong and well-funded, the United States is “not up to a rapid solution to give hope specifically as they are not going to attack the ISIS in Mosul and in the Nineveh Plain.”

Patriarch Sako, president of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in Iraq, said in a statement today, “Death and sickness are grabbing the children and elderly people among the thousands of refugee families spread over the Kurdistan Region who lost everything in the recent tragic developments while the ISIS Militants are still advancing and the humanitarian aid is insufficient.”

And yet, the patriarch’s report seems tame compared to other gruesome details emerging from Iraq. Anglican Communion News Service reports that the five-year-old son of a founding member of Baghdad’s Anglican church was cut in half during an attack by the Islamic State on the Christian town of Qaraqosh.

“In an interview today, an emotional Canon Andrew White told ACNS that he christened the boy several years ago, and that the child’s parents had named the lad Andrew after him. ‘I’m almost in tears because I’ve just had somebody in my room whose little child was cut in half,’ he said. ‘I baptized his child in my church in Baghdad.’”

Later on Sunday, though, there was better news for Christians and other religious minorities. Kurdish forces retook  two towns from the Sunni militants that have seized large parts of northern Iraq, said a senior Kurdish military official, amid of a building international response that has included aidrops and airstrikes.

Brig. Gen. Shirko Fatih said the Kurdish fighters were able to push the militants of the Islamic State group out of the villages of Makhmour and al-Gweir some 45 kilometers from Irbil, in one of the first victories by the Kurdish forces that until now have been in retreat. The victories by the radical Sunni militants that adhere to an extremist intolerant interpretation of Islam have sent tens of thousands of the country’s minorities fleeing from their homes in fear in a situation that has grabbed world attention.

The United States announced a fourth round of airstrikes Sunday against militant vehicles and mortars firing on Irbil as part of its small-scale series of attacks meant to discourage the Sunni fighters from endangering U.S. personnel near the Kurdish capital.

During a visit to Baghdad, France’s foreign minister said that Paris will provide “several tons” of aid to hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people and called upon leaders in Baghdad to unite against Sunni militants who have seized large parts of the country.

Speaking at a press conference with Iraq’s acting Foreign Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, Laurent Fabius said his visit is aimed at boosting humanitarian efforts in northern Iraq, where tens of thousands of minority Yazidis have fled into the mountains and even into neighboring Syria to escape the extremist Islamic State group.

Britain for its part said its air force has already dropped water containers and solar lanterns over the Sinjar mountains where the Yazidis have taken refuge with little food and water.

An ancient religion with links to Zoroastrianism, the Yazidis have been given a choice of converting to Islam or dying, by the militants.

U.S. fighter jets and drones have also attacked militants firing on the Yazidis around Sinjar, which is in the far west of the country near the Syrian border.

After Kurdish fighters opened a path to the border, thousands of Yazidis have been pouring across the river into Kurdish-controlled parts of Syria. Those crossing told The Associated Press they had lost their sisters, daughters, children and their elderly parents, describing militants randomly spraying machine gun fire in their direction as they fled.

Patriarch Sako said there are 70,000 displaced Christians in Ankawa, near Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan, along with other religious minorities in a city that already has a population of more than 25,000 Christians. He said families who found shelter in churches or schools are in a “rather good condition,” but that others, sleeping on streets and in public parks, “are in a deplorable situation.”

“In Dohuk, the number of Christian refugees’ amount to more than 60,000, and their situation is worse than those in Erbil,” the patriarch said. Others have gone to Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah, and Baghdad.

The patriarch lamented that the needs for housing, food, water, and medicine are escalating, while “international coordination is slowing and limiting the realization of an effective assistance to these thousands awaiting immediate support. The Churches are offering everything within their capacity.”

Meanwhile, in Mosul and in the Christian villages left behind by the refugees, churches are deserted and have been desecrated; five bishops have been forced to leave their bishoprics, priests and nuns have left their missions and institutions, and families have fled with their children, abandoning everything. “The level of disaster is extreme,” he said.

Commenting on solutions for the problems, he said: “The position of the American president Obama only to give military assistance to protect Erbil is disappointing.

The talks about dividing Iraq are threatening. The Americans are not up to a rapid solution to give hope specifically as they are not going to attack the ISIS in Mosul and in the Nineveh Plain. The confirmation that this terrible situation will continue until the Iraqi Security Forces will fight along with Peshmerga against the ISIS militants is very depressing. The President of the Kurdistan Region said that the Kurdish troops are fighting with a terrorist State and not minor groups. While the country is under fire, the politicians in Baghdad are fighting for power.”

He expressed his fear that in the end, neither Mosul nor the villages of the Nineveh Plain will be liberated. “There is no strategy to dry up the sources of manpower and the resources of these Islamic terrorists,” he said. “They control the oil town of Zumar and the oil fields of Ain Zalah and Batma along with the oil fields of Al-Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor in Syria. The Islamic extremist fighters are joining them from different countries around the world.”

Thus, refugee families have the choice to migrate—if they have the money and necessary documents (though many had their identity papers and passports stolen by the Islamic terrorists as they fled their towns)—or stay in their refugee camps, living in a kind of limbo. 

Christians Feel Abandoned in Spite of Obama’s Action in Iraq


obama snubbed russia-china-sign

“The sanctions we put in place against Russia are working as intended” – Barack Obama, August 6, 2014

In the summer of 2009, two dozen statesmen from Central and Eastern Europe issued a joint appeal for President Barack Obama not to forget the lessons of recent history. The White House had just rolled out its “reset” in relations with Russia as a centerpiece of Obama’s foreign policy. Flash-forward to 2014, and that reset, that “daring gamble” has proved to be yet another in a series of colossal failures of the Obama foreign policy. And now, it gets worse. Much worse.

Russia held it’s annual economic summit in St. Petersburg a week ago, and a number of insanely-interesting things have come out of that meeting. Not the least of which is the joint cooperation pact that Russia signed with China to step away from the U.S. dollar and promote their own currencies between themselves. Ouchies, Mr. Obama, guess those sanctions you put on Russia is really crippling them, huh?

“These actions, taken in the context of many other actions around the world including Saudi Arabia’s frustration with U.S. foreign policy toward Iran, and China’s voracious appetite for gold, these actions are meaningful steps away from the dollar,” Jim Rickards, portfolio manager at West Shore Group and partner at Tangent Capital Partners, told CNBC via email.

Meanwhile, VTB, Russia’s second biggest bank, has signed a deal with Bank of China that includes an agreement to pay each other in domestic currencies. Added to this, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke on Russian TV over the weekend saying sanctions imposed on the country by the EU and U.S. would make Russia use the ruble for trade and would eventually turn it from a “convertible into a reserve currency.”

With the two developing nations trading outside of the U.S. dollar, many questions are being raised about what this would do for the greenback and for the U.S. The dollar’s status as the global reserve currency has allowed the U.S. to borrow large sums of money, effectively living beyond its means, because there is always a demand for its currency.

China has become the largest holder of U.S. debt. Its authorities hold around $3.8 trillion of reserves, the majority of which is denominated in U.S. dollars. However, they have expressed a desire to diversify away from the greenback, and have already pared back their U.S. Treasury holdings.


will not submit

 The Roman Catechism (Catechism of the Council of Trent) and the Baltimore Catechism both confirm when Human life lawfully may be taken.

In self-defense, when we are unjustly attacked and have no other means of saving our own lives; In a just war, when the safety or rights of the nation require it.

By the lawful execution of a criminal, fairly tried and found guilty of a crime punishable by death. 

Killing In A Just War  the soldier is guiltless who, by a pure desire of serving the interests of his country, takes away the life of an enemy in a just war.

ROME (KerkNet) – The Vatican, which is usually the use of armed forces reject the solution of conflicts, now finds that there is a military intervention “necessary” in Iraq. This was reported by the French newspaper ‘La Croix’ today. “We must now intervene before it is too late,” said Msgr.Silvano Tomasi, permanent representative of the Holy See at the UN. While the United States has begun to provide humanitarian aid in the North of the country and harass the theses of the jihadists of the Islamic State seems prelate military action at this time is necessary to stop. Advance of the jihadists According to Msgr. Tomasi is also particularly urgent suppliers of weapons and money to the fundamentalists and the countries that tacitly support them to expose and put an end to such support that ultimately neither good for the Christians nor the Muslims. The prelate accuses the Western world a certain ‘indifference’, while the militias of the Islamic State “destroy and kill without mercy.” Mgr. Tomasi sees this regard is a certain evolution.”The international community is starting to do something,” he says. “In the Muslim world, something moves, said the prelate. “Some Muslim leaders have experienced the persecution of innocent Christians strongly condemned,” the Permanent Representative of the Holy See at the UN.

‘Thanks for thinking of our family when you decided to be a d**k’!!!


Ward Jr pictured with a woman who appears to be his girlfriend in a photo posted to his Facebook

‘Thanks for thinking of our family when you decided to be a d**k’: Grief-stricken relatives of Kevin Ward Jr rage against Tony Stewart as it emerges NASCAR star badly injured Ward’s pal on same track!!

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: Anger from members of Kevin Ward Jr.’s family has publicly spilled out in the aftermath of his tragic death in upstate New York on Saturday. His aunt, Wendi Ward, posted a furious message to Facebook on Sunday, labeling three-time NASCAR champion Tony Stewart a ‘d**k’ following his collision with 20-year-old Ward, pictured left, on the track at Canandaigua Motorsports Park on Saturday night. Raging that Stewart, 43, pictured right, has left her family with a ‘deep hurt that should not be there’, Ward’s comments are in stark contrast to the more measured official statement released by his parents, who were reportedly in the crowd when their son was hit and killed, pictured inset center. Across the racing community and Ward’s hometown of Port Leyden tributes were being paid to the dedicated young racer who was a much-loved member of his large family. Relatives posed in t-shirts in his honor today, recalling his car number 13, pictured center.

  • Aunt of Kevin Ward Jr. launches emotional attack on NASCAR champion Tony Stewart Facebook
  • Calls him a ‘d**k’ and says he has left her family with a ‘hurt that should not be there’
  • Kevin Ward Jr. was fatally struck by Stewart on Saturday night in New York
  • Stewart has been interviewed twice by police but there are no criminal charges pending
  • This is the second crash at the Canandaigua Motorsports Park in the space of one-year that Stewart has been involved in
  • In July 2013, he became embroiled in a 15-car pile-up that left Alysha Ruggles, 19, with a broken back
  • The racing legend nicknamed ‘Smoke’ has admitted his responsibility for that accident

Anger: Wendi Ward (with her husband) has taken to social media to express her fury towards NASCAR champion Tony Stewart - who was involved in a fatal collision with her nephew Kevin Ward Jr. on Saturday

Anger: Wendi Ward (with her husband) has taken to social media to express her fury towards NASCAR champion Tony Stewart – who was involved in a fatal collision with her nephew Kevin Ward Jr. on Saturday

Anger from members of Kevin Ward Jr.’s family has publicly spilled out in the aftermath of his tragic death in upsate New York on Saturday. His aunt, Wendi Ward, posted a furious message to Facebook on Sunday, labeling three-time NASCAR champion Tony Stewart a ‘d**k’ following his fatal collision with 20-year-old Ward on the track at Canandaigua Motorsports Park on Saturday night. Raging that Stewart, 43, has left her family with a ‘deep hurt that should not be there’, Ward’s comments are in stark contrast to the more measured official statement released by his parents, who were reportedly in the crowd when their son was hit and killed. The tragic 20-year-old’s family has said it ‘appreciates all the prayer and support’ but that members ‘would like time to grieve’ a day after Ward was killed on a racetrack when he was hit by a car driven by NASCAR star Tony Stewart. However, they have asked for time to ‘grieve and wrap our heads around all of this.’ But furious aunt Wendi didn’t hold back when she sarcastically posted ‘thanks for thinking of our family tony Stewart (sic) when you decided to be a d**k.’ And on Sunday, some members of the Ward family posted a group picture to Facebook of them wearing T-shirts embossed with artwork on the back from Ward’s website and the message ‘Always and forever’.

Full post: This is the post that Wendi Ward posted to Facebook on Sunday that expressed her anger towards Tony Stewart after the tragic crash that claimed the life of her nephew on Saturday

Full post: This is the post that Wendi Ward posted to Facebook on Sunday that expressed her anger towards Tony Stewart after the tragic crash that claimed the life of her nephew on Saturday

The outpouring of grief from the Wards, a prominent racing family in the local community, comes almost one year to the date of Stewart’s involvement in a 15-car pile-up at exactly the same track that seriously injured a 19-year-old female driver last year.

Alysha Ruggles, who was friends with Kevin Ward Jr., was left with a compression fracture of her back after Stewart triggered the mass-crash in July 2013, which the NASCAR legend, nicknamed Smoke, has admitted responsibility for. At the time of the crash, Ruggles’ mother, Wendy told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle that her daughter was lucky to escape without more serious injury. ‘Right now, she has to take it one day at a time,’ Wendy Ruggles, told the newspaper in July 2013. ‘We had a big scare; she was close to being paralyzed.’ However, Alysha Ruggles, who like Ward Jr. comes from a racing family, refused to blame Stewart for the accident.

On Saturday night, Ward had crashed following after colliding with Stewart in the sprint car race in Canandaigua, New York.  Video showed Ward walking from his crashed car onto the racing surface as cars circled by, and, as he gestured at Stewart’s passing car, the 20-year-old was struck. Ward’s website said he began racing go-karts in 1998 at age 4, but didn’t start driving sprint cars until 2010.  The 20-year-old from Port Leyden, New York, was Empire Super Sprint rookie of the year in 2012 and this year was his fifth season racing the Empire Super Sprints.

According to video and witness accounts, Ward’s body was sucked underneath the car and hurtled through the air before landing on his back as fans looked on in horror. Ward was killed. Stewart, considered one of the most proficient drivers in racing, dropped out of Sunday’s NASCAR race at Watkins Glen, hours after Saturday’s crash.  And the sport was left reeling from a tragedy that could have ripple effects from the biggest stock car series down to weeknight dirt track racing. ‘There aren’t words to describe the sadness I feel about the accident that took the life of Kevin Ward Jr.,’ Stewart said in a statement. Authorities questioned the 43-year-old Stewart once on Saturday night and went to Watkins Glen to talk to him again Sunday.

Read more/ Graphic Video (Warning):

So wicked that even Al Qaeda disowned them: Letter found at Bin Laden’s hideout warned of Islamic State’s extreme brutality!!

Murderous march of 15,000 'Islamic State' fighters across Iraq

So wicked that even Al Qaeda disowned them: Letter found at Bin Laden’s hideout warned of Islamic State’s extreme brutality

  • 21-page letter found at the Pakistan hideout where Bin Laden was killed
  • Note said Islamic State of Iraq and Syria could damage Al Qaeda’s reputation
  • Memo documented acts of barbarism including bombing mosques
  • ISIS, now called Islamic State, has control of area larger than Great Britain

Lying among a pile of papers at the hideout in Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden was shot dead was a carefully worded 21-page letter. It warned of the rise of a new and ruthless group of Islamic extremists capable of such extreme brutality that Al Qaeda should sever all links with them. In fact, it claimed the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or ISIS) had such complete disregard for civilian life that it could damage the reputation of Al Qaeda – if such a thing were possible for an organization that has long traded in murderous terrorism.

The document, written by one of Bin Laden’s senior officials in 2011, went on to catalogue some of its acts of barbarism – including the use of chlorine gas as a chemical weapon, bombing mosques  and a massacre in a Catholic church  in Baghdad. In essence, the letter said that ISIS was simply too extreme even for the group that killed thousands in the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.Today, ISIS, which now styles itself as simply Islamic State (IS), has become a powerful military force that has control of an area larger than Great Britain.

Living under its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam are six million people, a population larger than that of Ireland, Denmark or Finland. Its trademark black jihadi flag has  fluttered in the background of chilling ‘promotional’ videos of executions – including crucifixions and beheadings – as the militia seizes vast areas of Iraq and Syria. In short, the ‘caliphate’ – or Islamic state – it claims to have established represents the biggest shift in the political geography of the Middle East since  the borders of modern Iraq and Syria were drawn under the Sykes-Picot  agreement drafted between Britain and France in 1916.

Discovery: A letter warning of the rise of ISIS was discovered at the hideout in Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden was shot dead

To understand the threat Islamic State poses to the region, it first needs to be appreciated how it has grown into a force to rival Al Qaeda.

The group was founded by 43-year-old Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, a firebrand cleric held prisoner for four years by American troops in Iraq. The leader, a Sunni Muslim who despises the Shia-run Iraqi government, now commands more than 10,000 fighters, many of them former Saddam Hussein-era soldiers or disenchanted Sunnis who lost power and influence after the fall of the dictator’s regime. More worryingly, foreign Islamic extremists, including about 500 Britons, have joined IS to fight in Syria and Iraq. The group controls valuable oil fields and, with the help of wealthy Sunni backers from the Gulf states, is estimated to have amassed a staggering £1.2billion. It has even sold 8,000-year-old antiquities it has seized.

Warning: The letter found in the hideout used by Bin Laden (left) catalogued some of the acts of barbarism undertaken by the group founded by cleric Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, commander of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is shown in a U.S. State Department wanted poster

‘Too extreme’: The letter found in the hideout used by Bin Laden  catalogued some of the acts of barbarism undertaken by the group founded by cleric Abu Bakr al Baghdadi (pictured in a U.S. ‘Wanted’ poster)

But its real assets lie in the fanatical loyalty of its fighters (they all swear allegiance to IS) and the state-of-the-art weaponry they now possess. Much of its armoury was seized during a lightning advance several weeks ago, when fleeing Iraqi  troops abandoned the artillery and armoured vehicles that they had been given by US forces. With captured American Humvees and the latest precision firepower,  it is more than a match for the  formidable Kurdish peshmerga – which defends the Kurds’ semi-autonomous region in the north – and its 12.7mm Soviet-era machine guns and outdated Russian  T-55 tanks. As Ali Khedery, a former American official who advised US generals in Iraq, has said: ‘They are literally outgunned by an IS that is fighting with hundreds of millions of dollars of US military equipment seized from the Iraqi Army, which  abandoned it.’ So it would be naive in the extreme to think of Islamic State as a motley crew of scrappers. A force capable of meting out so much wanton violence is invariably led by commanders who rule with an iron will.

Chilling: IS's trademark black jihadi flag has  fluttered in the background of chilling 'promotional' videos as the militia seizes vast areas of Iraq and Syria

Chilling: IS’s trademark black jihadi flag has fluttered in the background of chilling ‘promotional’ videos as the militia seizes vast areas of Iraq and Syria

But what marks them out as being particularly savvy is the way they have used social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to create a digital ‘public relations’ machine to promote their jihad and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Any fighter on the ground can film an act of brutality and upload the footage in a matter of minutes – although some videos of botched amputations or killings have led to a clampdown by IS commanders. One Spanish fighter promised  to upload a film of a man being  crucified for his friends back home, but was quickly reprimanded by  his superiors. His later contrite posting simply read, ‘Our leadership forbade anyone filming it.’ However, the videos already in  circulation have already created a climate of terror. Some opposition soldiers, particularly in Syria, are defecting to the group. After all, IS has money – some of which is said to have come through private donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Equally, those captured by the militia face a stark choice – defect or die. Despite being trained by American troops, the Iraqi army has proven worryingly ineffective in taking on this threat. It’s why the terrorists now control much of the north of the country. They have also seized a former chemical weapons plant and a large dam that could be blown up to flood the regions downstream.

Escape: Thousands of Yezidis trapped in the Sinjar mountains as they tried to escape from Islamic State forces, are rescued by Kurdish Peshmerga forces and Peoples Protection Unit (YPG) in Mosul, Iraq

Escape: Thousands of Yezidis trapped in the Sinjar mountains as they tried to escape from Islamic State forces, are rescued by Kurdish Peshmerga forces and Peoples Protection Unit (YPG) in Mosul, Iraq

The populations of the Kurdish capital of Irbil, as well as the national capital Baghdad, are now in no doubt as to the fate that would befall them if these Sunni extremists prevail. If IS cannot be stopped, they are clinging to the hope that rescue will come in the form of Iran, which supports Iraq’s Shia-led government, or the US. However, both countries are reluctant to commit troops on the ground in the political and religious quagmire of Iraq. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi knows this only too well. It is why his IS troops have been so emboldened to sweep across much of Syria and northern Iraq in recent weeks. In the past fortnight they have fought on five fronts: against the Iraqi army, the Kurdish peshmerga, Bashar Al-Assad’s Syrian regime, the Syrian opposition and the Lebanese army. When he was released by the American military police from the Camp Bucca detention facility in Umm Qasr, where he was held as an insurgent, al Baghdadi said ominously: ‘I will see you guys in New York.’

A fanciful threat?

Perhaps not, when you consider that the greatest threat Islamic State poses to the world is that this so-called caliphate becomes a training ground for international terrorism, and unleashes an army of extremists against the West to kill and maim far from the bloodsoaked deserts of Iraq.

Read more:

Fr. Pfeiffer – Sedevacantism / Sermon – Fr Chazal: Deposing a Pope /Document SSPX -MC



Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer – Sedevacantism and the Canon of the Mass Sermon


Fr Chazal Forwards Document on Deposing a Pope

John of St. Thomas
“De Auctoritate Summi Pontificis” Disputatio III, Articulus II
XVII De Depositione Papae & Seq.

There remains a second difficulty, namely by what authority can this deposition be made. And the whole question deals on two things, namely, around the declarative sentence by which the crime of the pope is declared, by whom it must be made, whether by cardinals, or by a general council; and if by a general council, by whom authority it must be assembled, and by what power can he know about such cause.

Secondly, about the deposition itself, which is to be done after a declarative criminal sentence; whether it is done by the power of the Church, or by Christ the Lord Himself, immediately, the declaration being supposed.

As for the first point, it must be said that the dealing with the deposition of the pope can be cone in no way by the cardinals in the declaration of the crime, but to a general council. This is evident from the use of the Church; for in the case of Marcellinus regarding the incensing of idols, a synod was assembled in order to discuss the cause, as found in the chapter, distinction XXI. And in the case of schism, in which three popes were found [in the diverse] obediences, there was assembled the synod of Constance in order to quell the schism. And in the case of Symmachus there was the council of Rome to deal with things that were objected to him as referred to by Antonius Augustinus in his “Epitome Iuris De Pontifice Maximo,” title XIII, and in the laws abovementioned we see pontiffs wanting to satisfy for crimes objected to them, doing so in front of a council.

Secondly we see that this power to deal with the causes of the pontiffs, and what belongs to their deposition, do not pertain to the cardinals. It remains in the deposition of the Church, whose authority is represented by a general council, for only the election is entrusted to the cardinals, and nothing more, as anyone reading the law we quoted in article one. It is [good] to see what Turrecremata (lib II Summae cap. XCIII), Cajetan, cited above have to say, as well as canon doctors in the chapter on faith about heretics (in #6) & in the chapter on whether a pope (dist #40).


But now it remains to explain by what authority that council is to be convoked, & indeed it cannot be convoked by the authority of the pope, for the pontiff could recuse it, and annul it if it were convoked against his will, if indeed he is a true pope before the declaration of the crime. Therefore whatever assembled council remains under his authority, and consequently can be dissolved if he so wills.


To which it is answered that this council can be convoked by the authority of the Church, which is over the bishops or their biggest portion. The Church has a right to separate itself from a heretical pope in virtue of divine right, and as a result can take all the means necessary for such a separation. The necessary means is that per se that such a crime be evidenced juridically, and it cannot be evidenced juridically unless a competent judgment is formed, and such a competent judgment cannot be in such a grave matter except by a general council, because it is dealing about the universal head of the Church, which make it the object of the judgment of the universal Church, which is a general council. And thus I do not concur with Fr. Suarez who thinks that this matter could be dealt by provincial councils, for provincial councils do not represent the universal Church in such a way as to enable them to decide of this matter. Neither do several provincial councils enjoy such representation and authority [as necessary]. But if we talk about by whom the convocation of such council is to be made, (not about the authority itself by which he is judged), I think it is determined to no one specifically, but can be done by the cardinals, who can notify the bishops in their turn, or by the closest bishops who can denounce to the others so that all can come; or at the instance of the prince, not by a coative convocation, like when a pope convokes a council, but by a denuntiative convocation which denounces such crime to the bishops and manifests them to come to help. Hence the pope cannot annul or recuse such council, because he is a part, and the Church can convoke it by divine right for that purpose, because she has the right to separate herself from heretics.


Concerning the second point, namely by whose authority the declaration and deposition is to be made, there is dissent among theologians, and it does not appear by whom such a deposition is to be made, because it is an act of judgment, and jurisdiction, which can be exercised by no one over the pope.

Cajetan in his opuscule on the power of the pope, chapter XX, brings forth two opposite ways of speaking, and two median as well.

In the extreme opposite, one is [to say] that the pope by the very fact that he is a heretic is deposed without any human judgment; and the other says that the pope has [above himself] a superior power by which he can be judged.

In the median modes [of speaking], one says that the pope has no superior absolutely, but only in the case of heresy, and the other says that neither absolutely, nor in the case of heresy has [the pope got] a superior power on earth, but only a ministerial power, just like the Church has a ministerial power to elect, in what regards the designation of the person, but not the conferring of the power, because the latter is done immediately by Christ as we said in article one.

Thus, even in deposition, or in the destruction of this conjunction by which the pontificate is united to this particular person, the Church has the ministerial power to depose him ministerially; whereas Christ can deprive [him of office] authoritatively.

Of these two modes of speaking, Azorius follows the first (II, Tom. II, Cap. VII), namely that the Church is. The other way of speaking is followed by Cajetan and explained at length by him; and he is quoted and

attached by Bellarmine (II Book, De Romano Pontifice, Cap. XX), especially on two points, namely when Cajetan says that that a manifest heretic pope is not deposed ipso facto, and that the pope is deposed truly by the authority of the Church – Suarez in his often quoted disputation (Sect VI, Num. VII) attacks [also] Cajetan when he says that the Church, in case of the heresy of a pope, is above him as a private person but not as a pope. But this is not what Cajetan says, but that the Church is not above the pope absolutely, even in the case of heresy, whereas it is above the conjunction of the pontificate with that person by dissolving it, just as it united it at the election, which power is ministerial, because, simpliciter, only Christ the Lord is the superior of the pope. This is why Bellarmine and Suarez believe that in that itself, that a pope is a manifest heretic & declared incorrigible, he is deposed immediately by Christ the Lord, and not by any authority in the Church.


Thus Cajetan’s sentence is contained in three phrases. First, that a heretical pope, by the very fact of heresy, is neither deprived of the pontificate, nor deposed. Second, that the Church has no power, neither superiority over the pope, even in the case of heresy, in what concerns the power of the pope, as if there would be a power above the power in this case. But the power of the Church is in no way above the power of the pope, and consequently neither above the pope absolutely. Third, the object of the power of the Church is to apply the power to the person, by designating him by an election, and separating this power from that person, by declaring him a heretic to be avoided by the faithful.

Therefore, whereas the declaration of crime is like an antecedent disposition, and is ministerial with regard to the deposition itself, nevertheless it attains the form dispositively and ministerially, because in tending in the disposition, it tends mediately in the form. It is like in the generation and corruption of man: neither the generator produces or brings forth the form, neither the corruptor destroys it, but only the conjunction or separation of the form [is touched] by attaining immediately the dispositions of the matter to it, and through these the form [itself].


The first point of Cajetan is manifest from the above and cannot be attacked legitimately by Bellarmine. Its truth is obvious: either because the pope no matter how much he is truly and publicly a heretic, if he is ready to be corrected, cannot be deposed (as we said above), neither can the Church depose him by divine right, nor can she, neither must she avoid him as the Apostle says: “avoid the heretical man after one and a second correction.” Therefore he is not to be avoided by the Church before a first and second correction, neither is he to be deposed consequently. Hence it is false to say that the pontiff by the very fact that he is a public heretic [ipso facto], is deposed. He can be a public heretic, yet not corrected by the Church, nor declared incorrigible; this is either because (as Azorius says well above) no bishop, no matter how much he is an exterior heretic, even if he contracts an excommunication ipso facto, can ipso facto lose his jurisdiction and episcopal power until he is declared thus by the Church and is deposed. Only the non tolerated excommunicated lose their jurisdiction ipso facto, like those who are excommunicated nominatively, or those who have assaulted clerics manifestly.

Therefore if a bishop or any other prelate does not lose his office ipso facto his office by the sole fact of exterior heresy, why would the pope lose his before the declaration of the Church, especially when the pope cannot incur excommunication, because, as I suppose, no excommunication is given by divine right; ad he cannot be excommunicated by human right, because he is by right superior to all men.


The second sentence of Cajetan is proved because the power of the pope is a power derived absolutely from Christ, and not from the Church; and Christ subjected the whole Church to that power, i.e., all the faithfuls without any restriction whatsoever, as it is certain by faith and amply proven above. Therefore in no case can the Church have a power above that one, except in this case in which it is made dependent from the Church, and inferior to her; and in this case that it is made inferior because this power has been mutated and does not remain the same as before, so that it was before above the whole Church and independent from her; [and] by this case it is made dependent and inferior.

Therefore it is never verified that the Church has a power above the power of the pope formally, because for her to have power over it in one case, that power must be formally different and not so ample and supreme as before, and not so supreme and ample as before. And from no authority does it appear that Christ the Lord gave such power of the Church above the power of the pope; the things we are talking about in the case of heresy do not indicate a formal superiority above the power of the pope, but only an avoidance, separation, denial of communion, etc. That can remain without a superior power formally above the power of the pope. Neither is this foundament thus, as we said that Christ the Lord gave to Peter and his See a supreme power without any restrictions whatsoever, and independent, that for the case of heresy it would become formally dependent and inferior to the power of the Church in the order of powers, in such a way that it would remain a subordinate power with respect to the Church, and not superior as before. As for the second saying of Cajetan, namely that the Church has no power superior to the pope, taken absolutely, it is amply proven above that because the Church must be subject to the pope, and because his power is not originating from the Church, but immediately from Christ, whose place he occupies, [it is proved] that in the case of heresy it is neither above the pope in what regards his power, both because this power itself is in no way derived and originated from the Church, but from Christ, and therefore in no case is the power of the Church superior, and also because this power of the pope, as originating from Christ is instituted as a supreme one above all power of the Church which is on earth (as proved in many authorities), no case was made exception of by Christ the Lord, in which this power would be limited, and subjected to another, but is talked always and for all as a supreme [power] and monarchy.

When one talks about heresy, he does not attribute a superiority to the pope, but commands only to separate, to avoid, and not to communicate with the heretic, because these things do not indicate a superiority, and can be kept without it. Therefore the power of the Church is not above the pope even in the case of heresy. The laws give conviction to that, who say that the first See is judged by no one, which applies also in the case of infidelity, for the fathers assembled in the case of Marcellinus told him: you judge yourself.


The third saying follows the preceding. For the Church can declare the crime of the pontiff, and propose him to the faithful as [a person] to be avoided in conformity to divine right by which a heretic is to be avoided, a pontiff to be avoided in virtue of such a disposition is because he is a member to be avoided by her, and as a consequence cannot have influence on her. Therefore by the virtue of such a power the Church dissolves the conjunction between the pontificate and that person ministerially and dispositively, and the consequence is obvious, because the agent that can induce a disposition in a subject to who necessarily a separation of form is annexed and with which the form cannot stay in the subject, has power above the dissolution of the form and attains the form mediately, as to be separated from the subject, not to be destroyed in itself, as is seen in an agent corrupting [destroying] a man destroys not the form but induces the dissolution of the form by putting a disposition in the matter with which the form cannot stay.

Thus as the Church can declare a pontiff as Vitandus [to be avoided], she can induce a disposition in that person by which the pontificate cannot stand, and is thus dissolved ministerially and dispositively by the Church; authoritatively by Christ, just as by designating him by election [process] she disposes him ultimately so that he receives the collation of power by Christ the Lord and thus creates a pope. And when Cajetan says that the Church has authority in the conjunction or the separation of the pontiff with the person it must be in such a wise that the Church has the authority to declare the crime of the pope, just as it designate him as pope, and what is authoritative with respect to the declaration, is in fact dispositive and ministerial with respect to the form, in its conjunction or separation, for there is nothing that the Church can do on the form taken absolutely and in itself because it is not a subordinate power to it.

The laws concur from this which sometimes say that the deposition of the pontiff belongs only to God, and sometimes say that he can be judged by inferiors in the case of heresy. Both is true, both the fact that the ejection and deposition of the pontiff is reserved authoritatively and principally to God alone, as expressly said in the chapter about ejection (79), and in many other laws above mentioned, who say that God reserved to Himself the judgment of the Apostolic See, but ministerially and by dispositively declaring the crime and putting forth the pope as [a person] to be avoided the Church judges concerning the pope, as in the chapt. “Si Papa” (Dist 40) & “Oves” II, quaesi VII.

Solution to Arguments

The solution to the arguments of Bellarmine and Suarez against the aforementioned sentence is easy. Bellarmine objects that the Apostle says that the heretical man is to be avoided after two rebuttals, i.e., after he appears manifestly pertinacious before all [/any] excommunication and judicial sentence, as St Jerome writes there, saying that heretics recess from the Body of Christ. The reason is that a non Christian cannot be the pope, neither can the one be the head if he is not a member. The heretic indeed is not a Christian as the Fathers commonly teach; therefore a manifest heretic cannot be pope.


It is answered that a heretic is to be avoided because of two admonitions juridically made, by the judgment of the Church, and not by private judgment. A great confusion would follow in the Church if such an admonition [itself] of heresy instead of the declaration of the Church proposed to all, all should avoid him. The heresy of the pontiff cannot be public to all the faithfuls except by being reported by others, and because this relation is not juridical, it does not oblige to belief by all and that all should avoid [the pope]. It is required therefore that as the Church proposes him as elected by designating him to all juridically, that she should depose him as a “Vitandus” heretic by declaration and proposition. Hence we see what is practiced in the Church, that in the case of the deposition of a pope, the cause itself is dealt with by a general council, instead of the assumption that he is not pope, as we said above.
The pope does not cease to be the pope before any ecclesial trial sentence by the fact itself of heresy, and before he is proposed as to be avoided. Neither is [St.] Jerome, when he says that the heretic walks out per se from the Body of Christ, excludes him from the judgment of the Church, especially in a thing so grave as the deposition of a pope, but she judges the quality of the crime that excludes from the Church without any over added censure, as long as it is declared by the Church.
Despite being separated per se from the Church, quo ad nos, [as far as we are concerned], such a separation is not understood to take place without such declaration. And in the same way do we reply to the argument that says that the non Christian who neither per se, nor quo ad nos is a Christian, cannot be the pope, for in himself he has ceased to be a Christian because he has lost the faith. But for us [quo ad nos] he is not yet declared infidel or heretic, no matter how much he may be manifest [heretic] according to private judgment. He is still a member of the Church for us [quo ad nos], and consequently its head.

Therefore the judgment of the Church is required by which he is declared as a non Christian, to be avoided, and then he ceases to be a pope to us [quo ad nos] and before then he did not desist, even per se, because all he was doing was valid per se.


Secondly it is objected that the Church has no power over the conjunction between the pontiff and the person, unless she has power on the pontificate itself, and the pope does nothing more, when he deposes a bishop, than destroying his link with the episcopate, for he does not destroy the episcopate itself. Therefore if the Church has power in the conjunction of the pontificate with the person, consequently it can or has power over the pontificate and the person of the pope. What confirms it is that the pope is deposed unwillingly; and therefore is punished by such a deposition. To punish is the act of a superior and a judge; therefore the Church that deposes, or punishes by the punishment of deposition has a superiority over the person of the pope. Lastly he who has power over both parts or over their conjunction, has power over the whole simpliciter; just like the one who generates a man has power simpliciter over the whole man himself. Therefore if the Church has power over the conjunction of the pontificate with the person, she has power over the pope simpliciter, something that Cajetan denies.


It is answered that the pope deposes a bishop in a different way than the Church deposes a pope. For the pontiff deprives him as one deprives a subordinate and someone subjected to him and having a power subordinate and dependent that can be limited and constrained. Hence whereas it takes the episcopate from the person and does not destroy the episcopate, nevertheless he remove it by the superiority that he has over that person, concerning also the power subordinated to himself by the person of which he removes it from the person, and not just the person from it [the power]. The Church takes away the pontificate out of a superiority to the power itself, but a ministerial and dispositive power by which it can induce a disposition incompatible with the pontificate as we said.


To confirm this we answer that the pope can be disposed against his will ministerially and dispositively by the Church, authoritatively by Christ the Lord, hence, properly speaking, he is punished by Christ, not by the Church.

And to the last point we say that the one who has power in the conjunction of the parts has power in the whole simpliciter, but not if this is done ministerially only and dispositively over such a conjunction. This is excepted in natural things in which the physical dispositions have a natural connection with the whole being itself, so that when an agent produces the conjunctive dispositions, he produces also, simpliciter, the whole itself. In moral things, the disposition that is made by one, because it has only a moral conjunction with the form, almost like something made by voluntary institution, the one who disposes [the conjunction] does not make the whole simpliciter and authoritatively, but ministerially. So if a pontiff concedes to somebody that the places he designates have power to gain indulgences and declares as not having this power those places that he declares devoid of it; such designation or declaration does not take away or grant indulgences authoritatively and principally, but only ministerially.

Father Chazal

God bless the Resistance!!