‘Pontifex’ to Catholic Christ: ‘Thou art an embarrassment!’

Ignis Dei


Feast of the Ascension of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The hour is come; glorify Thy Son…I have glorified Thee on earth, I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do (Jn. 17.1,4). But the Neo-‪Catholic‬ ‘‪Pontifex‬’ (the Catholic ‪‎Pope‬ bears the title SUMMUS Pontifex for he is the Vicar of the King of kings and Lord of lords, Apoc. 19.16) ‪DENIES THE CHRIST before the leaders of the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9): ‘O Christ, Thou art an embarassment’…

The Cross just got accidentally tucked in? The only way it can possibly happen is for the ‘Pontifex’ to return to his upright position from having bended backwards but even then he’s fat so his cincture in the form of a sash would not allow space. So he should prove to be such a wild jerk (his bad condition seen in the video…

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